- Professor Yaakov Ariel (יעקב אריאל ), American Religious History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Abraham Ascher (אברהם אשר ), Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the Graduate Center of the City U. of NY
Joel Beinin (ג'ואל בינין ), Professor of Middle East History at Stanford University
Steven Beller (סטיבן בלר ), Independent Scholar, Washington DC., Historian of Central European Jewry and Austria
Nancy Lebed Berry ( (ננסי לבד ברי , social psychologist, internet research specialist, cooking teacher, San Francisco
Prof. Pierre Birnbaum (פייר בירנבאום ), Columbia U., Jewish emancipation, the State, nature of political anti-Semitism
Y. Michal Bodemann (י. מיכל בודמן ), Professor of Sociology, U. of Toronto; post-War German Jewry
Paul Buhle (פול בוהל ), a Senior Lecturer at Brown University, is a Gentile Yiddishist
Barry R. Chiswick (ברי ר' צ'יזוויק ), economist, Distinguished Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago
Carmel U. Chiswick (כרמל א' צ'יזוויק ), Professor of Economics, University of Illinois at Chicago
Mitchell Cohen (מיטשל כהן ), Professor of political theory at Baruch College and the Graduate School of CUNY
Uri S. Cohen (אורי ש' כהן ), PhD, Assistant prof. of Hebrew Literature and Israeli Culture, Columbia U.
Prof. Anny Dayan-Rosenman (אני דיין-רוזנמן ), U. of Paris, published articles on French-speaking Jewish writers
Dr. Neil Gillman (ניל גילמן ), Professor of Jewish Philosophy at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America in NY
Zvi Gitelman (צבי גיטלמן ), Prof. of political science and Preston Tisch Professor of Judaic studies, U. of Michigan
Dr. John Goldlust (ג'ון גולדלסט ), School of Social Sciences, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia
Erich S. Gruen (אריך ס' גרואן ), Wood Professor of History and Classics, University of California, Berkeley
Samuel Heilman (שמואל היילמן ), Proshansky Chair, Jewish Studies, Dist.Prof. of Sociology, Queens College, CUNY
Arthur Hertzberg (ארתור הרצברג ז"ל ), was Bronfman Visiting Professor, New York U., teacher and writer
Bethamie Horowitz (בת-עמי הורוביץ ), Senior Research Fellow, Steinhardt Social Research Inst., Brandeis U.
Paula Hyman (פאולה היימן ), is the Lucy Moses Professor of Modern Jewish History at Yale University
Jack Jacobs (ג'ק ג'ייקובס ), Professor of Government, John Jay College and The Graduate Center, CUNY
Eran Kaplan (ערן קפלן ), Assistant Professor of Judaic Studies, University of Cincinnati
Sheilah Kaufman (שילה קאופמן ), Gourmetician, cookbook author, food writer/editor, cooking teacher, lecturer
Rebecca Kobrin (רבקה קוברין ), Post-Doctoral Fellow, New York University
Barry A. Kosmin (ברי קוסמין ), Research Prof. and Director, Inst. for the Study of Secularism, Trinity College, CT
Mikhail Krutikov (מיכאיל קרוטיקוב ), Assistant Prof. of Jewish-Slavic Cultural Relations, University of Michigan
Cecile E. Kuznitz (צירל-אסתר קוזניץ ), Assistant Prof. of Jewish history, Director of Jewish Studies, Bard College, NY
Dr Geoffrey Brahm Levey (ג'פרי בראהם לוי ), School of Politics and Intern'l Relations, U. of New S. Wales, Sydney
Rainer Liedtke (ריינר לידטקה ), Assistant Professor of Modern History, University of Giessen, Germany
Naftali Loewenthal (נפתלי לבנטל ), lectures on Jewish Spirituality and Modernity at UCL, London University
Dr. Rela Mintz Geffen (רלה מינץ גפן ), President of Baltimore Hebrew University, professor of Sociology
Dr. Rena Molho (רנה מולכו ), has extensively published on the history of Greek Jews
Andrea Most (אנדראה מוסט ), Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Toronto
David N. Myers (דוד נתן מאיירס ), Professor of Jewish history and director of the Center for Jewish Studies at UCLA Benjamin Nathans (בנימין נתנס ), Associate Professor of history at the University of Pennsylvania, PA
Dr. Doron Rabinovici (דורון רבינוביץ ), historian and writer (Viennese Jewish community's administration in Nazi time)
Prof. Mark A. Raider (מארק ריידר ), Founding Director of the Center for Jewish Studies, State U. of NY at Albany
Dr. David Rechter (דוד רכטר ), Research Fellow in modern Jewish history, St. Anthony's College, U. of Oxford
Annette Yoshiko Reed (אנט יושיקו ריד ), Assistant Professor, Dept. of Religious Studies, McMaster U., Ontario
Dr. Arieh Bruce Saposnik (אריה ספוזניק ), University of Florida, History of Zionism and Jewish nationalism
Prof. Milton Shain (מילטון שיין ), Director of the I. and J. Kaplan Centre for Jewish Studies at the U. of Cape Town
Dr. Michael Shurkin (מיכאל שורקין ), independent scholar, the history and politics of France and French Jewry
Pierre Vidal-Naquet (פייר וידאל-נקה ז"ל ), was Prof. of Ancient History, EHESS, France
Harold M. Waller (הרולד מ' וולר ), Professor of Political Science at McGill University
David Weinberg (דוד ויינברג ), Director of C-H Center for Judaic Studies & Prof. of History, Wayne State University
Melissa Weininger (מליסה ויינינגר ), doctoral candidate in Jewish Studies at the University of Chicago
KI Weiser (קלמן וייזר ), Assistant Professor, Eastern European Jewish History / Yiddish Culture
Stephen J. Whitfield (סטיבן ג' ויטפילד ), Prof. of American Studies, Brandeis University, cultural historian
Joshua D. Zimmerman (יהושע צימרמן ), associate professor of history at Yeshiva University
Steven Zipperstein (סטיבן זיפרשטיין ), Koshland Prof., Jewish Culture & History, Director, Taube Center, Stanford U.